Friday, February 20, 2015

Things That Make Me Go UGH

Things have made me angry this week.  Bill did comment that the women in the house were a bit hormonal lately.  I know: he is a brave or silly man.  One dead-eye-top-lip-sneer from SG was enough to stop his commentary though. I wish you could have seen that look.  She didn’t even have to say a word; her face perfectly read “who are you to tell me what is happening in my body?!”   I am not sure if I have ever been more proud. 

Anyway, lots of little things made me angry but there were three that stand out in particular as fueling the raging fire.  First up was the fact that I pulled in my driveway and saw that the Yellow Pages had been delivered to my door.  Why does this still happen?  This annoys me to no end because I am not going to use it, I am not sure it is actually recyclable and my hands are already full coming through the door.  I tried to opt out of it being sent but you have to register to opt out and there is no way I am giving them my name and email address.  I just picture emails about Yellow Pages and its nifty features every ten minutes.   Surely these people have heard of the internet and google, right?  I bet that even the people who work for Yellow Pages don’t use the Yellow Pages.  Who does that leave, old people?  If old people are actually still using Yellow Pages then they should be stacked up by the doors of places that old people shop: Walgreen’s, Radio Shack and True Value Hardware.  Stop harassing the rest of 

Stop the insanity!

Next on the list: door-to-door salespeople.  I know that there was once a time when door-to-door salespeople were a necessity.  However, I also know this was before cars, mail-order or, again, the internet.  There is absolutely nothing they are selling that I can’t get at Target, HEB or Amazon.  I don’t like to open the doors to strangers and I especially don’t like to open it up for pushy strangers trying to sell magazine subscriptions.  Actually, I have let all my magazine subscriptions run out because I got tired of the monthly notices letting me know that my account would expire in four years and eleven months, four years and ten months, etc.  Plus, you are a STRANGER at my door, why on earth would I give you my credit card information? 

My final grievance for the week is Nextdoor Neighbor.  This is an online thing you sign up for with the other members of your neighborhood because we are all too terribly busy to actually get to know our neighbors.  Ideally, it is supposed to be a messenger board with information about the neighborhood: things going on, items for sale, dogs that are missing, etc.  What is actually is a public bitch fest for neighbors to talk about their neighbors without calling them out by name.  Messages come across like “I noticed that there is a car on blocks close to the school.  Does anyone know if our HOA has regulations against that?”  You know, and the author knows, that there are, they just want the chance to let their neighbor know, without actually letting them know, that they have had it with their white trash ways and are one step away from actually telling on them.  I was also shocked because people would post their address and the dates they would be out of town and ask if anyone knew a plant sitter? I am no plant sitter, but I felt like breaking into their homes and moving things around to show them how stupid they were being.  I could unsubscribe to it but every now and then, amidst the banal, the whining and the plain dumb, there come some gems and I would hate to miss out on the gems.  The first gem was when they posted the Christmas Light Map.  Yes, a map of the houses in the neighborhood that planned on lighting their homes for Christmas.  God forbid, you just amble around and see which houses were lit, we must have a map!  Next up, the woman who actually used all three of her neighbor’s names to call her out for running in the street when it was dark and making her swerve her car to avoid hitting her.  Something like “MARY KATHERINE SOANDSO, I know it was you this morning on THIS STREET- wear some reflective clothing and run on the sidewalk”.  I laughed until I cried about that one.  However, my favorite one by far was the one where this woman commented that she had seen a large snake and was letting us know about it.  We get a lot of these but this one stuck out because she titled it “big ass snake”.  I am not sure why this woman and I are not drinking beer in my driveway every Friday; she sounds like my type of person.

I keep giggling thinking about “big ass snake” greeting hundreds of people in their inbox and this makes me feel less angry.  Which is good because I don’t enjoy being angry; it takes a lot of work and makes me feel sweaty inside.  Plus, given the look on SG’s face, I am up against some stiff competition and I think she can take me.  

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