Wednesday, December 3, 2014

From Our House to Yours

Ahh, tis the season.  Tis the season where I realize there is not a picture of the five of us anywhere, I am not going to take one and pay extra to have it made and shipped and we will once again not be sending Christmas cards. I love to receive Christmas cards so I apologize for my lack of planning and good will.  I feel funny sending just a Christmas card with no picture and a few hastily scrawled words at the bottom because the fortieth time you write “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” it tends to sound insincere.  So my gift to you this Christmas season will be my words wrapped up in flowery phrase and deep thoughts/ sarcasm and wit.
Maybe one year....

2014 was a good year for the McMahons.  We had a road trip of epic proportions this summer and all still like each other.  (It was touch and go those first days back, but we are good now.)  We saw a lot of America and more of Canada than ever.  It made us both grateful for what we have and yearn for the quiet, soul-enhancing woods of Canada that we left.   We learned how to throw knives and tomahawks and canoe and kayak.  We learned how still the night can be and how many stars there are.  It was lovely.

Bill started 2014 driving 1.5 hours to work each way and I am happy to say that he will end 2014 driving about 20 minutes to work each way.  He has been busy and busier building restaurants and most of them in Austin.  He continues to live his vegan lifestyle.  He started a large garden in the backyard that produced wrong colored vegetables and an enormous pumpkin vine.   He recently added a composter and has high hopes for next year’s bounty. 

Rebecca continues to work at her library and encourages teens to read while hunting them down in class to get the overdue books back.  Her teaching classes are complete and her content test will be taken in January.  She had a brief boo-hoo while studying as it encompasses US History, World History, Texas History, Government, Economics and Psychology and wished she had done this studying twenty years ago when she was able to retain information.  Then she started thinking that if she had done this twenty years ago, she could almost retire.  This made her very sad so she stopped thinking all together.  She was also very sad when her gym closed but has taken to working out at school for free and alongside the high school football team.  Yes, that is uncomfortable for everyone.

Maizy is a junior and doing very well with both her high school classes and dual credit college classes.  She is working at a children’s clothing store and has learned to hate the general public while smiling.  That is a life lesson that will take her far!!  She is driving and incredibly independent.  She asked for a new stereo for her ten year old car for Christmas.  I replied that I would rather set money on fire. She replied that she now wanted a new stereo system AND for me to set money on fire.  Always one step ahead of us that girl.

Sophie has delved into the area of athletics this year.  She ran cross country and now takes the dog for a run on the weekend just because she feels like it. She is currently managing the basketball team at school and is up early or at school late every day.  She likes being busy – alright, we like her being busy.  She is still kind, she still likes us and she still acts like she knows us in public.  We consider ourselves very fortunate.

Ahh, William.  Never a dull moment with the boy around, that is for sure.  He is busy, he is trying hard at school and he is growing like crazy.  Someone please tell me, what is that smell preteen boys give off?  It is not dumpster on a hot day; could it be battlefield? Brimstone?  Whatever it is, it will bring you to tears.  He loves to watch football and has a mind for football stats.  We wish it was multiplication tables, but he is a happy kid and makes us happy as well.

We hope that this Christmas season finds you happy, healthy and content.  We wish you a light dusting of snow, a stocking filled with surprises and at least two viewings of “Love Actually”.  We will be missing our relatives far away but are so grateful for the friends who step in as our family here.  May 2015 bring you joy, laughter and moments that take your breath away.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – and we mean that most sincerely.

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