Friday, April 12, 2013

Lots of Words

I have always had a lot of words.  We joke that my daughter came out talking and I think I was the same way.  I actually had a shirt when I was little that had Charlie Brown next to a motorcycle and said "Motor Mouth". Imagine how much I had to say that my parents felt the need to warn people of my verbose nature.  I loved that shirt!  I didn't think there was anything wrong with being called Motor Mouth. Being the younger sister to twin sisters and older sister to the only boy in the family, I had to find my place somewhere. We read this book one summer that I cannot find on amazon or online in order to properly cite, but my mom thinks it was "The Something To Do Stone".  One of the characters in the book was a talker, a loud talker, so after all of her lines it would say "...who always spoke loudly like that".  My family began using that against me, as if volume somehow took away the importance of my words, and for awhile anything I said was followed by one of them saying "said Rebecca, who always spoke loudly like that."  Oh ha, ha.  However, I did not take any offense to the repeated comment on my report cards stating "is very talkative in class".  

I couldn't find any that show my talkativeness, but I did find one that explains my Math issues.

In college, I learned bigger words to add to my many words. However,  I worked full time and went to school full time, so I have forgotten most of those words.  At my first job, I learned it is not polite or considered professional to send out emails IN ALL CAPS and PURPLE FONT, no matter how passionately I felt about something.  My boss at the time advised me to take up smoking before I sent out another one of those.  

I think that when my kids were tiny and everything was said in a sing-song voice or as simple as possible, I lost some of my words.  Little kids are hard work and who wants to talk when their mouth can be used to drink wine once the kids go to bed?  Now my kids are medium kids and they talk all the time.  Seriously, they talk over each other, at each other, at me, at my husband, at the TV, the dogs.  If they are not talking, they are humming.  Continuously humming.  Dear God the humming!  My words seems to be limited to "do your homework", "someone let the dog out!", "STOP HUMMING".  Again, my words are lost by the end of the night.

This year, I had the opportunity to administrate a large, volunteer-run group at the kids' school.  (I am still up in the air as to if it was a blessing or a curse.) 200 kids after school in an outdoor venue, lots of things can happen, lots of information needs to be disseminated, lots of nicely veiled threats needed to go out...enter a new format for my words!  My weekly email to parents about what had happened, what would happen next week and my anger hidden as sarcasm became a great outlet for all my words!  I wasn't going to just send out the bare facts.  That's crazy!  I had an audience, a captive audience, for my words.  And people liked it!  More than one, I swear!  They would email me back and say "ha, ha!", or "I love these emails!".  People stopped me at school to tell me they enjoyed my emails or better yet, to tell me I had a way with words.  A way with words, I love that.   And when my neighbor said I should really blog, I thought no way.  That's crazy! How self-promoting is that?  But her words were stuck in my head, so I thought you know, I do have so much to say about so many things..... so here it is.  My blog.  Filled with all the words I think but might not get a chance to say.  Words to entertain, or to inform or just to be used in a diatribe.  Here we go!


  1. Awesome, I am so glad you are finding a way to share your knowledge, creativity, life and WORDS with us. I can't wait to read more!

    If I could figure out a way to do this in purple I would just for you!

  2. You, sarcastic? I'm glad to know you haven't changed. I LOOK FORWARD TO FOLLOWING YOUR BLOG AND PLAN TO HANG ON TO EVERY, SINGLE WORD.

  3. So many wonderful words! Glad to be one of the encourage-rs who said, "I love your emails." Looking forward to reading more!
