Thursday, July 25, 2024

There's a Tear in My Beer

In the past few weeks, I have noticed that I have been listening to country music a lot.  Spotify suggested it, I clicked on it, and that has been my go-to car listening for weeks now.  I haven't listened to country music since the first year I lived in Texas and most songs seem to revolve around the artist spelling words out for us or songs about fun rivers and county fairs.   This Spotify-made list has classic songs from Dolly and Willie on there as well as new artists.  I cannot get the song "Last Night" by Morgan someone out of my head.  The song starts with the chorus!  Bold move! "Last night we let the liquor talk", I mean who can't relate to that? "I can't remember everything we said...".  Can this man see into my troubled soul and know that when I wake up hot and sweaty in the middle of the night after drinking too much I immediately wonder where my purse is and what came out of my mouth?  "but we said it all."; that is me any day of the week, drinking does not have to happen.  As I wondered why I was listening to this song yet again, I began to put it all together.  I am coming to the end of my Texas era, it is only natural in would be country music playing me out.

In four days, I will move to IL to be with my person!!  I am so excited!  We both have jobs!  A nice apartment! He has spent the summer finding hikes and walks and places to shop at and go.  I can't wait to be there with him and do this life with him.  I am giddy, and anticipatory, and excited!  SO excited! But, I am also sad.  And I know I can be two things at once because my friend Liz has told me that two things can be true at the same time.  And because I am.  I have lived in Texas longer than I lived in NY.  Like a decade longer.  I am not one of those people who say, or have cross-stitched on a pillow in my home, that I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could.  I don't say it because it is annoying and I don't have it cross-stitched because the only thing cross-stitched in my home says "Sucks to Suck", because it does.  I also don't quote Davy Crockett and say "You may all go to hell and I am going to Texas" because that is such a sick 1800's burn only Crockett should say it and because, well, Texas didn't end so well for him.(ahem, Alamo)

I am sad I couldn't put picture with Crockett and sexy eyebrows here instead, but it wasn't free.

So while I am SO excited, I am also taking time to see how I will miss Texas.  I will miss its tacos and BBQ.  I will miss its beautiful spring weather and wildflowers.  I will miss how everyone is always speeding.  I will miss a lightning storm that lights up the sky.  I will miss a glorious sunset spreading itself over a soccer field. I will miss my cozy classroom on the third floor.  The thing I will miss most though, after tacos, is people.  People I have been friends with since my kids were little.  People I have worked with.  People who have seen me at my best and my worst.  People I shared beers and stories and holidays with.  I cannot even start to think about how I will miss being close by for my kids.  

I have spent a good portion of the last week running around town and seeing people before I leave.  We talk and laugh and cry a little.  We hug and say "see you soon".  I didn't get to see the first friend I made in Texas so long ago when we were both paid $6/hr to dress like we were going to a funeral and work in a hotel, but Mark will always be my first friend in Texas and will always be my friend in Texas.  And I realize that all these people I am hugging goodbye will still be my friends in Texas.  And I can come back at any time and see them and eat tacos!

It is hard to close out an era.  It is sad to not see people you are used to seeing.  However, you can't have adventure if you stay in the same place.  And in this case, adventure also means love.  Sigh.  Swoon!  One friend said "it is like a fairy tale!" and another said "Man, you really wore him down".  Again, two things true at the same time!

I came to Texas a 20-year old kid with big bangs and believing that Taco Bell was Mexican food.  I have learned and grown and moved from all around Dallas to all around Austin.  I have marveled at a beautiful Texas hike and cursed the August sun.  I have raised my kids here.  I have really lived a good portion of my life here and a good life here. People have asked why I moved to Texas and I tell them that it seemed like a good idea at the time.  Thirty years later, I can say it was a great idea.


  1. Sweetie it’s not where you are but who you’re with. I moved to ABQ at 71 to be closer to my one and only grandson and my beautiful daughter and her husband. I lived in northern NM for 40 years and had many many friends there but this move has made my life infinitely better. It’s who you’re with not where you are. Chose love!

  2. Texas is a better place for you having been here. Happy trails my Texas friend and former neighbor

  3. Occasionally listen to Bowling for Soup “Come Back to Texas” and Lyle Lovett “oh Yes you’re not from Texas” to remind yourself that your time was well spent and that your time in Texas prepared your for love and brave adventures. Thank you for your wit, gorgeous laugh, and energy that will be terribly missed at Anderson. You have blessed me as your friend. ~ Jill.

    1. Jill, I love Bowling for Soup and you! Thank you! I will miss your enthusiasm and smile!

  4. I’m so happy for you. I love adventures. Could be why I’ve moved so many times. I remember a song I learned in Girl Scouts. “Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other’s gold. Safe travels Sweetie 😘

  5. It’s been a while since I’ve seen or drank ambers with you but I wish you the very best!! We met when I had no kids but then all the sudden I had 2 kids & we used to talk so much about beers & parenting & so much more. It was fun hanging out back there in the library & talking about alll the things & drinking all the coffee & our happy hours at PHP Burnet. I miss those days & my “library ladies”. Here’s a song I used to listen to a lot when I left Texas for a bit that I’m sure you’ve probably heard but it’s one of my favorite songs from one my fave TX artists who passed away recently. Good luck my friend!! Hope to see you again soon!!
